All I got to say is: I AM ALIVE!!!!
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This morning at about 5:20 am I was driving to work and then I lost control of my car, the road condition wasn’t good at all, it had rained all night and was drizzling and fogging, I lost control of my car and then I went off road and hit a area of trees!
Right when I hit the trees, I felt lifeless, but at the same time I felt like my grandparents was there carrying me, but in the back of my head all I can think of was “I don’t want to die yet, I am still young and have not experience life enough” then BAM I hit all the trees. I swear I must had blacked out for like 2 second then the first thing I can think of was “I AM ALIVE” and then I called 911, they were quick to get me. As soon as I called 911 I called my younger brother, he didn’t pick up then I called Hlee and she picked up so she came and picked me up at the scene.
I didn’t hit the air bag in my car (good thing or my face would had been all bruised up!!). It was so hard to breath when I hit the trees; the impact was so bad I felt it all over my body, I felt like a wave of pain came rushing into me and felt as if I couldn’t move for that two second I thought I had blacked out. Then I took off my seatbelt after I had called 911. While on the phone they asked if I was hurt, and I honestly wasn’t sure if I was hurt or not, I just felt numb.
As soon as the fireman and ambulance came (which they were super fast), he opened the door and asked if I was hurt, I told him I wasn’t sure, he asked if I felt pain and I told him just a bit under my chest and my right pelvic so he felt right under my chest and asked if I felt pain, and I said no, then he felt on my right pelvic and asked and that’s where all the pain was, I then also sprung my right ankle as well. I told him I really honestly just need to take lots of deep breath so he allowed me to do so. I came out of the car and then I signed a paper saying I did not need to go to the hospital.
I watched my car get towed away and got a damn citation for driving a bit fast under bad road condition. MAN!!!
Good thing I didn’t hit anyone else or anyone’s home or business because right ahead of where I wrecked my car there are a lot of homes, small business and etc. That would have been extremely expensive for my insurance!!!
I think it had to do with a dream I had had the other night, I think the dream was telling me something! But good thing I walked out of the car accident ALIVE!!!
I don’t know why I didn’t think of calling my parents, but I finally called them on my way back home. The first thing I told my dad was “Dad, when you and mom has time, you guys need to hu kuv plig” (“HU PLIG” means soul calling, I felt like my soul had been lost during the wreck) my dad was like “WHY??” then I told him I got into a car wreck so he said okay and kind of gave me a sympathy lecture about driving.
I am alive, thank goodness!!!