Thursday, October 22, 2009

This Weekend is Looking Good!!

Image is screen cap from MSN weather on 10.22.09 at 3:00 pm

The other day I had blogged about how this weekend may end up raining on Saturday and I was hoping it wouldn't rain, from the looks of today's forecast for the week, it looks like this weekend there will not be any rain. I am now excited! I can actually get these photo shoot done!

On Saturday I am hoping to get my feature images taken.

On Sunday I will be going out to the mountains to shoot my Glamorous/Fashion/Fantasy assignment so I do hope that this weather forecase is 1000% correct, yes I meant it when I said 1000%. LOL.


Ana Doemland said...

You already have your Glamour picked??? HOOOOW?

Lisa Cave said...

Finally, a decent weekend to go shoot!

Amy Andoe said...

yeah !!! what are you shooting???

haha Lisa, Ana beat you =]

mozemouaphotography said...

Ana, I got it approved on Wednesday by Mrs. Harkins. whoohoo I can't wait to shart shooting!

Lisa, I know right, finally a good weekend!! Let's hope the weather for this weekend does not change!!!

Amy, I'll be heading out to the mountains to shoot my Glamorous/Fashion/Fantasy assignments. I got a male and a female model to model for me, it'll be an autumn theme, lets hope it works out!!!! If not I got plenty of times to reshoot!!(I hope)

T Pero said...

Ze, you're on top of things! Have a great shoot!

Amy Andoe said...

AWESOME!!! Good Luck! way to stay on top on it... I can't wait to see what you get

Ana Doemland said...

you forgot me on your links.
i'm hurt...